Can You Manually Choose The Location Of Expansions?
When installing expansions it is important to note that the location of these expansions can not be changed.
In order for Lofi Panda to find these expansions they have to be located in their default folders. By default your expansion installer will install these expansions in your AppData folder on your operating system.
Here are the paths to the AppData Folders:
Mac: /Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Clark Audio/Lofi Panda 3/Expansions
Windows: C:\Users\*YOUR USERNAME*\AppData\Roaming\Clark Audio
You can not move these expansions to external hard drives. Attempting to do this will cause issues in your plugin.
However, we know that being able to do this will be beneficial to those with low space on their computers. Therefore we are working on implementing the ability to do this. But for now, you can not change the location.